Highway & Transport Planner


  1. To contribute to the Council's Net Zero pledge to cut our own emissions to net zero by 2030 and those of our residents and business by 2045 by supporting the preparation and monitoring of the Council's Local Transport Plan, a statutory document which forms part of the Council's Budget and Policy Framework; involving public and stakeholder consultation, plan writing, and undertaking transport studies. In addition, support the development of other specific strategy documents such as Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans.
  1. To represent the Council as local highway and transport authority in the preparation of Local and Neighbourhood Plans, so that they are aligned to the Council's transport policies and appropriate mitigation measures are included; including (where appropriate) the preparation of more detailed evidence and studies; including (where appropriate) the representation of the Council's case at appropriate planning committees and assisting at examination/inquiry sessions.
  1. To gather and analyse data, to inform transport planning policies, decisions and reports. This would include the use of data from transport models, and working with consultants and third parties to obtain and interpret data.
  1. To generate ideas for highway and transport improvement schemes which will deliver the Local Transport Plan and the Council's other objectives and priorities which relate to transport, where necessary preparing funding bids for specific schemes available from various sources including Local Transport Plan block funding, government grants and developer contributions. This may involve

working with consultants to undertake the technical work to support a bid or contributing transport advice to a bid being developed elsewhere in the Council.

  1. To lead on the development and/or delivery of specific smaller projects or studies, or assisting the Highways and Transport Planning Manager with more complex projects or studies, working with partner organisations and stakeholders where necessary, in order to meet the objectives of the Local Transport Plan and other strategies.
  1. To represent the Council in local, sub-regional and national fora, including attendance at England's Economic Heartland working groups as required.
  1. To respond on behalf of the Council to enquiries and consultations from adjoining authorities, sub-regional and national organisations; including reviewing policy and strategy documents and making appropriate comments to seek their alignment with the Council's policies.
  1. To maximise personal productivity, minimise duplication and errors; and manage our information efficiently and securely to reduce risk, though effective use of Office 365 and our internal IT systems and applications.
  1. Actively challenge and seek to eliminate any directly or indirectly discriminatory practice or behaviours.
  1. Demonstrate awareness and understanding of other people's behavioural, physical, social and welfare needs and ensure that reasonable care is taken at all times for the health, safety and welfare of yourself and other persons.

This job description reflects the major tasks to be carried out by the post holder and identifies a level of responsibility at which they will be required to work. In the interests of effective working, the major tasks may be reviewed from time to time to reflect changing needs and circumstances.

If you have a passion for transportation systems and the ability to make a positive impact on the community, we want to hear from you. Apply now and join our client's team as a Highway & Transport Planner.

Unternehmen / Organisation: 